
Friday, October 31, 2014

VIP Member's Choo Choo Campaign 2014 Winner's

Here are the lucky winners!!
Please visit your nearest store to claim your prize today!

Terms and Conditions: We will hold your prize until Friday 31st October 2014. If unclaimed after this period, we will try once to contact the winner. Prizes must be claimed before 17th of November 2014.

iPad Mini

68531 138120 164327 182608  196222 209120 216047  225565  231577 240923
90013 139089 164386  182914  197716  209704 216156  225644  231590  241030
92081 139336  165058 183640 198242 209828 216351  226732 231747 241380
102719  140731 166476 183695 199596  210922 216950  226934 232139 242262
102883 144992  168035  184425  202553 211365 218532  227076 235172  242968
112308 145184 169501 190328 203784 211372 219186 227826  235732 245959
112309 147625 171628  190637  203846  212011 219344  227904  236410 246808
113065 150934  176333 191749 203872 212077 219991 228318  236855  247174
121431 152297 178047 192071 207079 212133 220607 228795 237174  247276
127891  153958 178237 192853 207478 213309 220820  229512 237369 247405
129007 154699 178955  194816 207836 213813 222058  229528 237435  247583
129011 160589 179807 195083 208140 214553 222482 230233 238117  248601
130002 162209 180132 195811 208221 215049 222761 230311 238947  248780
133849 163433 180376 196001 209084 215272 223349 230766  238968  250017
137543 164152 181153  196141 209087 215764 224159 230851  239546  250500

Bluetooth Speaker

48539 140544 169680 184623  200775 209676 215558 226550  233220 240100
59086 140577 169881 184717 201069 209910 215758 226911 233749 240314
59294 140634 170013 185547  201216  210073  216459 226956 233761 240663
65683 140732  170459 186094 201268 210100 217360 227219 234103 241048
73304 141350 171070 186635  202450  210223 217886 227698  234154  242515
76848 141622  173770 187687 202880  210577 219231  227903  234155  243089
90149 145702 174648 190584  203170  211258  219905 227977 234264 243205
97234 146455  175751 190747 203482 212219  220271 229081  234654 243260
102829 150234 175998 192670 205767 212276  220315  229341 235175  244333
102846 150374 176968 193342 206174 212313 221210 229459 235484 245757
102898 152939 177091  193396 206307 212412 222302  229513  235674 246360
107241 155977  177645 193428 206397 212506 222420 230124 236027 246552
121683 160646  177987 193707  206404  212596 222496  230351  237117 246802
127331 161280  178180 196347 206623 212844 222677  230455  237127  246835
127691  161324  178694  196670  207233 212985  222828 230666  237220  247079
129059 161752  179578 196694 207438 213207 222964 230681  237318  247334
129727  161920  179695 197043  207439 213850 223341 231505 237398 247346
130641 162958 180740  197240 207526  214044 223785 231649 237772  247391
136837 164643 180770 197367  207655  214365  223884 231723  237982  247670
136848  165424  181346 197421 207702 214413 224102 232090 238499 248789
137585 167034  182602  197471  207823  214533  225200  232176  238677  248812
137694  169250 182783 198306 208428 214613 225521 232256  239503 249007
137713 169337  182955 199713 209177 214736 225591 232293 239719 249149
138933 169436 183239 200421 209256 214924 225671  232568 239852  250022
139698 169453 183775 200620  209570  215310  225687  232793 239930 250495

Fitbit Flex

45852 137553 163259 180204  192222 203859  214356  226126 232299  239562
59353 138063 165184  180447 192829 204610 214358 226266 232434 239775
62543 138599 165230 180676 193097 204653 214608 226428 232578 239823
65736 139405 165286 181055 193629 205716 214810 226723 233711 239925
68859 140506 165327 181126 193637 206048 215124  227007 233834 240246
76717 140518 165824 181721 193745  206108 215556 227040 233940 240329
90191 140549 167713 181846 193805  206315 216010 227354 234010 240339
90232 140556 167729 181931 194319 206391 216473 227469 234471 240374
102854  140675  167794 182713  195951  206406 217019 227560 235139 240694
102871 141748 168070 183371  196753  206409 217612 227786  235196  240734
102875 144478  168410  184308  197286  206840 217708 227800 235853 241017
112274 144905  168574 184340  197834  207071  217987  228074  236108 241141
112474  145072 170821 184359 198130  207073 218077  228282 236282  241176
120780 145085 171249 184644 198234  208409 218367 230077 236320 241407
120900 147553  171423 184998 198324 209320 218381 230101  236332 241651
124499  150248  171458  185502 199909 209605 218448  230293 236451  242315
126279 151254 171916  185676 199936  209635  219164 230368  236995  243094
129097 151868  172489 186700  200824 209733 219226 230704 236998 245789
130050  152269  173447 186734 201052  209798  219887 230793 237012  245814
130224 152385  174821  186942 201111  210281  219910  230874 237140 246035
130332 152925  174910 187187 201651 211289  219952  230883 237187  246248
130355 153975 175188 187191 201739  211403  221478 231143 237250 246360
130424 155814 175534 189047  201766  212004 222051  231219 237503 247165
130431 155980 177025 189648 202331 212033  222194 231539 237539  248476
136163 160351 177852 190254 202610 212457  222267 231582 238019 248671
136510  161073  178473  190302  202692  213042  222363  231638  238120 248776
136841  161412 178934 190549  202750 213083 222507 231693 238911  248911
137030  161766  179220 190773 202804 213704 223016 231958 238921 249038
137422 162770 179297  190894 202932 214098 225702 232013 238967 249148
137498 163258  179620  191845  203831 214340  225911 232061 239277 250491

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sushi Train Smithfield Station 4th Anniversary $3 Sale

Sushi Train Smithfield Station 4th Anniversary $3 Sale

Sushi Train Smithfield Station

Date: 30th(Thu) / Oct 2014

All Plates $3

Udon, Rice Bowls, Sashimi and Drinks are excluded from specials.
VIP Member cards are not accepted on sale day.
No points can be added or redeemed.

Trading Hours: 10:00am - 9:00pm

Location: Shop 83/86, Smithfield Shopping Centre, Cnr Captain Cook and Kennedy Highways Smithfield QLD 4878

Phone:07 4038 3771

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Sushi Train St Clair Station Adelaide 10th Anniversary $3 Sale

Sushi Train St Clair Station Adelaide 10th Anniversary $3 Sale

Sushi Train St Clair Station

Date: 1st(Sat) / Nov 2014

All Plates $3

Udon and Drinks are excluded from specials.
VIP Member cards are not accepted on sale day.
No points can be added or redeemed.

Trading Hours: 11:00am - 9:00pm

Location: Shop 7, St Clair Village, Cheltenham Pde, Cheltenham, Adelaide, SA 5014

Phone:08 8244 4711

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Sushi Train Victoria Point Station Redland Retail Awards Winner Appreciation Sale

Sushi Train Victoria Point Station Redland Retail Awards Winner Appreciation $3 Sale

Sushi Train Victoria Point Station

Date: 18th(Sat) / Oct 2014

All Plates $3

Udon, Rice Bowls, Sashimi and Drinks are excluded from specials.
VIP Member cards are not accepted on sale day.
No points can be added or redeemed.

Trading Hours: 11:00am - 9:00pm

Location: Victoria Point 2 / 2 Town Centre West, 349-369 Colburn Ave, Victoria Point, QLD 4165

Phone:07 3820 8868

Friday, October 10, 2014

Sushi Train Grenfell Station Adelaide 10th Anniversary $3 Sale

Sushi Train Grenfell Station Adelaide 10th Anniversary $3 Sale

Sushi Train Grenfell Station

Date: 25th(Sat) / Oct 2014

All Plates $3

Udon, Rice Bowls and Drinks are excluded from specials.
VIP Member cards are not accepted on sale day.
No points can be added or redeemed.

Trading Hours: 11:00am - 9:00pm

Location: Shop 4&5, 82 King William Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

Phone:08 8410 7100

Sushi Train Sutherland Station Customer Appreciation Sale

Sushi Train Sutherland Station Customer Appreciation $3.5 Sale

Sushi Train Sutherland Station

Date: 20th(Mon) and 21st(Tue) / Oct 2014

All Plates $3.5

Udon, Rice Bowls and Drinks are excluded from specials.
VIP Member cards are not accepted on sale day.
No points can be added or redeemed.

Trading Hours: 11:30am - 9:30pm

Location: Shop 2&3, 570 President Avenue, Sutherland, NSW 2232

Phone:02 9521 2210

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sushi Train Maroubra Station Customer Appreciation Sale!!

Sushi Train Maroubra Station Customer Appreciation $3.5 Sale

Sushi Train Maroubra Station

Date: 13th(Mon) and 14th(Tue) / Oct 2014

All Plates $3.5

Udon, Rice Bowls, Sashimi, Hot Plates and Drinks are excluded from specials.
VIP Member cards are not accepted on sale day.
No points can be added or redeemed.

Trading Hours: 11:30am - 9:30pm

Location: Shop 2, 944 Anzac Parade, Maroubra, NSW 2035

Phone:02 8347 0788